Energy comparison at home

In 1970, the UK used one-fifth less energy than Britons consume today. How is this possible, given the ever-growing fervent push toward environmental, ecological and climate change awareness that’s taken place over the past two decades? With power costs soaring beyond manageable points, and shoppers desperate to find the lowest tariffs, it is now more critical than ever to begin an energy comparison exercise at home. Continue reading →

Electrical devices that can make or break your Economy 7 savings

When it comes to electricity consumption, all devices are not created equally. In fact, a few of your devices are likely responsible for a huge percentage of your energy usage each month. When you have the Economy 7 tariff enabled in your home, it is especially important to realize which electronics are the greatest culprits for using electricity. These appliances are the ones that you should make every effort to run only in the seven daily hours during which you are charged a lower rate for your power usage. Here are some of the worst offenders when it comes to electricity consumption. Continue reading →

Do these myths keep you from getting the cheapest electricity

The whole point of the European Union’s policy to deregulate the retail energy supply market in 1996 was to bring to consumers the freedom to choose one energy supplier over another. The hope was that competition would help raise quality of service and help keep prices down. A free market only works as planned, though, when the consumer is well-informed. Britain has the most open and free energy competition in Europe. Yet, a large part of the consumer base never uses the freedom it has to switch suppliers and find the cheapest electricity. The reason is that they are stalled by a number of myths about how the system works. Continue reading →

Change your habits to make the most of Economy 7

Timing really is everything when you pay for your electricity with the Economy 7 tariff. This pricing structure, which allows consumers to pay a lower rate for their electricity for seven hours out of every day, is often misused by many people at home. Just as you can save money by making the best use of the tariff, timing your energy usage unwisely can end up costing you. There are a few habits you should try to change if you want to save as much as possible on electricity when you have this tariff. Continue reading →

The Green Deal Scheme — Making it greener on your side of the fence too

All of us want to contribute to a better tomorrow and it has become obvious that a better tomorrow is linked with a greener tomorrow. Up until now most of us have had to be content with recycling, not buying Styrofoam and providing our own grocery bags but get ready to take a big green step with the green deal. This is a government initiative that can bring about the energy-savings that we’ve all wished for without huge up-front costs regardless if we are a property-owner or renter. Continue reading →

Four predictions for the UK gas and electricity industry 2013

Many people will be glad to have seen the back of 2012, especially in regards to their gas and electricity bills. Five out of the six ‘Big Six’ energy firms bumped up their bills last year, leaving many of us having to pull our purse strings even tighter in order to get by. E.On crashed the party a little later, bumping up their prices mid January. So with price increases greeting us at the tail end of last year, this blog looks at four predictions for the gas and electricity industry in 2013. Continue reading →