Can you store solar energy for later use?

The need for energy sources is older than human history itself, but with the advent of electrically powered devices, modern transportation methods, and the explosion in human population, energy needs over the past century have skyrocketed into the stratosphere, and show few signs of slowing down anytime soon. Traditional energy sources – namely fossil fuels – have proven to be complexly and enormously problematic. This has led to recent innovations in the field of alternative energy. And out of all of these so called “alternative” energy sources, the sun has proven to be one of the most promising. Continue reading →

Using renewable energy to power your office

We can learn a lot from some of the big corporations in the world, when it comes to being more eco-friendly. For instance a company such as Google is on a mission to power their entire company using only renewable energy. This is something we should all be striving for, not only to save ourselves a lot of money in the process but to also cut down on the amount of natural resources we use on a daily basis. Continue reading →

Tips For Performing A Household Energy Comparison

Snapping up a good tariff deal is smart. Even smarter is finding out whether your residential power usage is commensurate with your actual needs. It’s fine to pay less per kilowatt hour, but if you’re using more kilowatt hours of power than is necessary, you’re not realizing any true savings. Review these tips for performing a household energy comparison to see whether you can squeeze any more savings from your utility usage. Continue reading →

Five smart and eco-friendly ways to use your RV

Motor homes, such as the RV, are very eco-friendly forms of housing and traveling because these automobiles are prefabricated and small. In fact, a number of RV companies are going green by using lightweight mainstream products, unconventional towables, and composite materials. If you are thinking of using your RV in an eco-friendly way, this article can provide you with important tips.

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Energy comparison at home

In 1970, the UK used one-fifth less energy than Britons consume today. How is this possible, given the ever-growing fervent push toward environmental, ecological and climate change awareness that’s taken place over the past two decades? With power costs soaring beyond manageable points, and shoppers desperate to find the lowest tariffs, it is now more critical than ever to begin an energy comparison exercise at home. Continue reading →

Which type of heat should you use, gas or electric?

Heating is a basic necessity in any home, but not everyone agrees about which type of heat – gas or electric – is best. Although many experts assert that gas is usually cheaper to run (which is true), this isn’t the whole story. Homeowners have to consider many different factors before they make a final call. Continue reading →