Big push on solar in 2015

Who benefits from green solar or wind energy the most? Apart from the obvious that all of us depend on the future of green energy, to answer this question, it’s best to look at the whole picture. Traditional fuels such as gas and oil have made a number of counties a lot of money. Fossil fuels prove to be the most powerful, reliable, and least expensive, especially now when the cost of fuel has gone down exponentially. Continue reading →

Why dual fuel tariffs are better protected from price increases than other tariffs

As energy prices seem set to continue their upward trend, at least into the foreseeable future, many consumers in the UK are looking for ways to keep their energy costs down. One of the best and most popular options available to energy consumers is the dual fuel tariff. This tariff works in a unique number of ways that helps customers avoid the worst energy price increases. In this article, we will explain what dual fuel is, and why it can help consumers get the best deal on their energy bill compared with other types of tariffs, even in a highly fluctuating energy market. Continue reading →

Using renewable energy to power your office

We can learn a lot from some of the big corporations in the world, when it comes to being more eco-friendly. For instance a company such as Google is on a mission to power their entire company using only renewable energy. This is something we should all be striving for, not only to save ourselves a lot of money in the process but to also cut down on the amount of natural resources we use on a daily basis. Continue reading →

How have attitudes towards sustainability evolved recently?

At various levels of intensity over the past twenty years there have been calls for different “green technologies” to become more significant part of our lives. There has undoubtedly been a huge shift in environmental attitudes following the large evidence indicating the human impacts on global warming. These changes have seen the advent of various production methods of green or renewable energy sources, as well as evolutions in the way buildings are built and even the materials that are used. Continue reading →

Solar wind and renewable energy

With climate change the great threat to mankind and the planet in our century, engineers, scientists and governments are racing to achieve green renewable energy generation as an alternative to traditional fossils fuels like oil, gas and coal. For the last decade the main contenders in the renewable energy sector have been wind and solar power, but what if the answer to our energy crisis in future decades is to be found not here on earth but out there in space? What if we could one day generate billions of times more power than we currently need by harnessing the energy of solar wind? Continue reading →