The search for the cheapest gas

The search for affordable energy sources is never-ending. In the United States, natural gas prices have dropped significantly, inviting European countries to take advantage of the low pricing. Recently a German company announced its plans to expand significantly in the United States. Due to innovations in unlocking shale gas, the price of natural gas in the U. S. is only 25% of the cost in the European market. Price has a significant impact on energy-intensive industries and could drive more European investment to American companies.

The Source

Millions of years of accumulating fossil remains, both plant and animal, are buried deep in the earth. These remains create a mixture of carbon and hydrogen, resulting in natural gas. Drilling recovers the natural gas closest to the surface. In the United States, fracking technology is used to recover natural gas located deep in the earth. In order to determine the amount of natural gas reserves in the world, information taken from geological and engineering studies is used to determine the amount of gas that can be recovered from known reservoirs. This information is evaluated using current economic figures and present recovery technology. Continue reading →

Why dual fuel tariffs are better protected from price increases than other tariffs

As energy prices seem set to continue their upward trend, at least into the foreseeable future, many consumers in the UK are looking for ways to keep their energy costs down. One of the best and most popular options available to energy consumers is the dual fuel tariff. This tariff works in a unique number of ways that helps customers avoid the worst energy price increases. In this article, we will explain what dual fuel is, and why it can help consumers get the best deal on their energy bill compared with other types of tariffs, even in a highly fluctuating energy market. Continue reading →

Five ways to reduce your environmental footprint when travelling overseas

The battle to save our environment has reached almost critical proportions and it is now up to every individual to take responsibility for the carbon footprint left in their wake. Air travel, as well as many other forms of transport, is a major source of concern among environmentalists and those who travel overseas should ensure that as much of their journey as possible is also as ‘green’ as possible.  If even the smallest effort is made by every overseas traveller, the impact on our environment can be significant. Here are five ways in which overseas travellers can make their contribution to a cleaner and healthier planet. Continue reading →

Six easy ways to add some much needed shade to your garden

Not everyone loves the sun shining down on their face non-stop during summer, but some have to put up with it because their garden is a suntrap. They don’t have any shade and if they decide to wander out during the day they will probably get burned. If you’re one of those unlucky people you don’t have to deal with it any longer because I want to explain to you some great ways you can add some shade to your garden. Continue reading →

Can you store solar energy for later use?

The need for energy sources is older than human history itself, but with the advent of electrically powered devices, modern transportation methods, and the explosion in human population, energy needs over the past century have skyrocketed into the stratosphere, and show few signs of slowing down anytime soon. Traditional energy sources – namely fossil fuels – have proven to be complexly and enormously problematic. This has led to recent innovations in the field of alternative energy. And out of all of these so called “alternative” energy sources, the sun has proven to be one of the most promising. Continue reading →

Energy saving tips for this summer season

The bulk of the energy used in a typical single family residence will be for heating and cooling purposes. Most often approximately 55% of the total energy consumption of a residence will be used for these purposes. Regardless of the kind of HVAC systems that are in your home, you can reduce expense and increase your comfort level by regularly maintaining and upgrading your system. Continue reading →