The solar power fad: What is solar power?

The world has gone mad for solar power and panels, with governments throwing money at solar schemes left, right and center while celebrities espouse the qualities of this seemingly magical green energy source. Although you’re probably sharp enough to realize that solar power must mean that the sun is involved in the power generating process, you might be keen to learn more about this increasingly popular energy source.

Solar power systems use a series of photovoltaic (PV) cells contained within a flat, shiny panel. The cells are made up of two charged layers, in balance, wrapped inside a semi-conductive material like silicon. When sunlight hits the cells, the balanced charged layers are knocked out of sync: this causes electrons to move between the layers, generating an electrical current and voila – solar power is created. Continue reading →

Alternative energy sources: How can we use them?

Restoration of natural resources, specifically, is the key to energy conservation. Our planet is showing all the symptoms of an ailing and dying planet that need prompt corrective measures to bring it back to life. Energy crisis is a consistent problem, which needs immediate attention before it’s too late. Finding a workable solution to energy situation along with conservation of natural resources can help to a great deal.

Some of the innovative ways that can help us restore the health of the mother Earth and help find a solution to the energy crisis are discussed below. Continue reading →