Top five ways corporations go green

Many large corporations are taking leadership roles in establishing and implementing green initiatives. From auto manufacturers to world renown beverage makers, many are actively seeking ways to do their part in this global mission. Most of their commitments are focused on the places where they can make the most difference. While there are a wide array of motivating factors, some of the most common includes reducing the corporation’s operating costs, enhancing employee health, increasing productivity, boosting the business’ reputation amongst the consumer community and limiting the risk of violating environmental regulations. Listed below are the 5 top corporate green initiatives.

Energy Management

Over the next 25 years, the demand for energy is expected to rise substantially in the United States and abroad. The increase in demand for the U.S. is approximately 31% so businesses must address how energy will be managed in the years to come. Without a concerted effort and an effective energy management strategy, the potential for disruption could lead to loss in business profits and losing a competitive edge in virtually any industry.

Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging is another initiative that large corporations are involved in since there are specific standards that should be met. However, some corporations are dedicated to providing a more robust environmental approach to packaging, which may be accomplished by taking a science-based approach in their processes.

Corporations that follow these types of strategies must also incorporate supply chain collaborations that build into a continuous outreach in the business communities. In order to achieve these goals, the corporations will need to design packaging systems that will support economic prosperity along with a sustainable flow of materials.

Climate Protection

Climate protection is also one of the essential keys to supporting global green initiatives. These multi-faceted programs must be embedded in the day-to-day operations if they are going to be effective. Therefore, the corporations that seek to ensure their programs are in compliance with environment regulations may start by reducing greenhouse emissions during their daily operations. In collaboration with others in their community, they may also choose to foster and procure renewable energy, support their employees’ alternative commute options, and develop products that meet certain energy efficient standards.

Water Stewardship

Engaging business support in water stewardship is also crucial to the success of corporate green initiatives. In fact, virtually every business sector is dependent upon water in some form or another. Corporations can become a good steward in multiple ways including using water efficiently in their operations and contributing their finances to the management of freshwater and its sustainability.


Previously, large corporations contributed to a massive problem that changed vacant property into huge landfills of wasted products. These unsightly landfills are located all over the United States.

Today, many of these same large corporations are involved in turning these old traditions around by incorporating recycling in their activities as part of their green initiatives. From recycling large volumes of ink cartridges to products like copier paper, whole communities are involved in recycling to reduce and eliminate the landfills.

About the author: Peter Wendt is a writer and researcher from Austin, TX with an interest in environmental issues. For more information about green construction and renewable energy systems, click here.

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