Five ways to reduce your environmental footprint when travelling overseas

The battle to save our environment has reached almost critical proportions and it is now up to every individual to take responsibility for the carbon footprint left in their wake. Air travel, as well as many other forms of transport, is a major source of concern among environmentalists and those who travel overseas should ensure that as much of their journey as possible is also as ‘green’ as possible.  If even the smallest effort is made by every overseas traveller, the impact on our environment can be significant. Here are five ways in which overseas travellers can make their contribution to a cleaner and healthier planet. Continue reading →

How to reduce your carbon footprint with alternative energy

It is becoming more and more obvious the damage being caused by fossil fuels. Over the long run, everyone needs to reduce their carbon footprint by using alternative energy solutions. Here are some tips that almost anyone can do to reduce their footprint. Continue reading →