Energy comparison at home

In 1970, the UK used one-fifth less energy than Britons consume today. How is this possible, given the ever-growing fervent push toward environmental, ecological and climate change awareness that’s taken place over the past two decades? With power costs soaring beyond manageable points, and shoppers desperate to find the lowest tariffs, it is now more critical than ever to begin an energy comparison exercise at home. Continue reading →

Electrical devices that can make or break your Economy 7 savings

When it comes to electricity consumption, all devices are not created equally. In fact, a few of your devices are likely responsible for a huge percentage of your energy usage each month. When you have the Economy 7 tariff enabled in your home, it is especially important to realize which electronics are the greatest culprits for using electricity. These appliances are the ones that you should make every effort to run only in the seven daily hours during which you are charged a lower rate for your power usage. Here are some of the worst offenders when it comes to electricity consumption. Continue reading →

Should I get a tankless water heater?

Do you hate taking cold showers? Many households suffer from not enough hot water for various reasons. Perhaps you have quite a few people living under one roof, or someone in your household loves to take extremely long showers. Or maybe running your dishwasher or washing machine right before you take a shower drains the water heater. Many people consider installing a tankless water heater as a solution to the problem. Continue reading →

Seven easy ways to go green

You can take your bike everywhere and to eat a vegan diet produced from garden grown foods. However, you’d take it with a pinch of salt and the world would be no way better because of it. So, here’s how you can take one step at a time and help the world when doing so. Continue reading →

How to cut back on your energy bills

In an ideal world everyone would chip in to help the planet simply to help the planet. Unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world, and thus a lot of people aren’t going to go green unless there’s something in it for them. Well, there is something in it for you. You can save a lot of money on your bills as long as you’re willing to follow a few easy steps. Continue reading →

Easy ways to go green

These days more and more people are doing anything and everything they can to take part in keeping the environment healthy. If you find the whole idea to be a bit intimidating but wish you had a way to take part; there are many ways and they don’t have to break the bank, expanding foam tape or take much of your time at all. It has become easier and easier in recent years for you to jump on board and help to keep the world a cleaner place; while also saving money for your family to spend on more important things. Continue reading →