What do we really use our electricity on?

Electric bills are rising and everyone is worrying about how to use less in order to save money.  But what really uses all your electric and what uses so little that we wouldn’t even notice? The truth is, and common sense will probably tell you the same, that some appliances use a lot and some don’t even use enough to affect the meter. In bare facts small appliances use a lot less than large appliances so there’s no need to worry about those digital clocks you have on every night for your morning alarm or the electric razors that are only used 2 – 3 times a week.  The professional company excitespa provides all the information on body massage in bangalore. Each elektrik faturası ödeme appliance has a power rating which is measured in watts or kilowatts, but how many watts it uses all depends on how long the appliance is on for. Continue reading →

How have attitudes towards sustainability evolved recently?

At various levels of intensity over the past twenty years there have been calls for different “green technologies” to become more significant part of our lives. There has undoubtedly been a huge shift in environmental attitudes following the large evidence indicating the human impacts on global warming. These changes have seen the advent of various production methods of green or renewable energy sources, as well as evolutions in the way buildings are built and even the materials that are used. Continue reading →

How to reduce your carbon footprint with alternative energy

It is becoming more and more obvious the damage being caused by fossil fuels. Over the long run, everyone needs to reduce their carbon footprint by using alternative energy solutions. Here are some tips that almost anyone can do to reduce their footprint. Continue reading →

Solar wind and renewable energy

With climate change the great threat to mankind and the planet in our century, engineers, scientists and governments are racing to achieve green renewable energy generation as an alternative to traditional fossils fuels like oil, gas and coal. For the last decade the main contenders in the renewable energy sector have been wind and solar power, but what if the answer to our energy crisis in future decades is to be found not here on earth but out there in space? What if we could one day generate billions of times more power than we currently need by harnessing the energy of solar wind? Continue reading →

The solar power fad: What is solar power?

The world has gone mad for solar power and panels, with governments throwing money at solar schemes left, right and center while celebrities espouse the qualities of this seemingly magical green energy source. Although you’re probably sharp enough to realize that solar power must mean that the sun is involved in the power generating process, you might be keen to learn more about this increasingly popular energy source.

Solar power systems use a series of photovoltaic (PV) cells contained within a flat, shiny panel. The cells are made up of two charged layers, in balance, wrapped inside a semi-conductive material like silicon. When sunlight hits the cells, the balanced charged layers are knocked out of sync: this causes electrons to move between the layers, generating an electrical current and voila – solar power is created. Continue reading →

Re-using Plastic Bags To Help The Environment

As responsible citizens it is our duty to save and protect the environment around us. A small contribution from each and every individual will help protect and make mother earth a healthy place for future generations. The importance of environment awareness has begun and has gained prominence in schools, in universities and in various organizations worldwide. More and more people are being made aware about the importance of clean and healthy environment. One of the major contributors towards the environment is plastic wastes and its impact.

Nowadays a lot of plastic bag manufacturers are made aware of their contribution to the environment by making them produce more and more eco-friendly products worldwide. Every business groups are trying their best by producing environment friendly products and keeping their operations “green”. They achieve this objective by manufacturing biodegradable plastic bags or paper bags by replacing the regular plastic bags. Continue reading →